The Wellness Facade
My thoughts on the current wellness buzz in medical education.
The Wellness Facade
Crushing Step While Maintaining Your Sanity
Test Anxiety, Ain’t She a B!@#*
Dear Premed Me
Failure: Go Get Some
To Scribe or Not to Scribe
Getting Involved in Medicine
How to Study First Aid Part Two
How to Study First Aid
Is This Testable?
My Perfect Premed School
Who Cares Where You Went to School
Is Medicine for You?
Pre Med and Med School Side Hustles
Extracurriculars and Secondaries in AMCAS
How to Study
When to Retake the MCAT
How I Went from the 50th to the 90th Percentile on the MCAT
How to Write a Medical School Personal Statement - Concluding Paragraph and Editing
What to do Between M1 and M2 Year (M1 Summer)